Saturday, October 21, 2006

Schaffer's, Zagami's and me

Bella isn't in this picture cuz' she didn't want to be in it and she was being too bad. In the back is Becca Shcaffer, Brennan Zagami and Courtney Schaffer. In the middle is Jessica Schaffer and Hannah Scaffer and Baileigh Zagami and on the front row is Brooke Schaffer (holding baby Bree Zagami), Becca Zagami and then ME!!


Anonymous said...

I love the picture of you and your friends. All of you are so cute!
Love you to peices! Love GranMa Baloo

Anonymous said...

man! all of the Zagami kids are sooo big and look sooo different! i haven't saw them in years!! i wish Bella would have been in it so i could see what the little terrorist looks like!! lol!!!
luv ya!

Anonymous said...

Hey little E love the pics!!!!!!!!